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  • +593 96 094 1767
  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

New International Academic Alliances


Antonio José de Sucre University Corporation
Colombian university that understands research in the strict sense, as one that fosters the generation of new knowledge, that attends to and appropriates methodological criteria of collective construction and internationalization, and that is developed by research groups who validate, transfer, and make said knowledge visible. in the fields of the curricular activities of the programs.
The Antonio José de Sucre University Corporation - CORPOSUCRE, in the development of its promotion and research production activities, permanently supports publications of its teachers both individually and collaboratively with teachers from other HEIs, of high prestige and recognition, thus generating Important bibliographic material that becomes important support elements for the programs, specifically for the independent work of students and the development of their academic processes, as well as for the resolution of problems associated with the community.