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  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Artículos Científicos

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): January-March 2021

Productive Project for the creation of a comprehensive aesthetic center: Case: “TEJAC SPA”

March 31, 2021


Today, the market of facial and body aesthetics is important, because beauty has been considered a fundamental factor for the individual to fit into society. However, many people find it difficult to meet all their beauty requirements, due to the multiple occupations they have in the work and personal environment, which can generate stress. This last factor, stress, also creates a new market: relaxation or decontracting body massages. This article aims to present a project for the creation of a comprehensive aesthetic center, which allows to meet the aesthetic and health requirements of the population, both female and male; which lives in the sector of mapasingue coop January 27 of Guayaquil city. It begins with the description and justification of the project, its objectives, strategies, and methodology; followed by the analysis of the project that covers the identification of the SWOT; the suppliers; the differences between current and desired resources; the costs and human resources involved; as well as, the different activities involved in the creation of a business, namely: organization, promotion, dissemination, training, execution and monitoring. As for the methodology, it is a field study, inductive and analytical. With the elaboration of this productive project, it is hoped to create a business opportunity that meets the aesthetic needs of users, improving their quality of life. It is concluded that the productive project Centro Estético TEJAC SPA, is profitable, therefore, it is completely viable its execution.


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