The habit of using masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, has triggered an increase in cases in the appearance of acne pathology in people of different ages, sex and work activity. This article describes maskné as a common disease in times of pandemic. It begins by presenting general theoretical aspects about maskné, its causes and treatments; followed by the presentation of a clinical case of a 31-year-old female patient with a history of mild acne in her adolescence and with sequelae of slightly observable spots. From the methodological point of view, this is an observational documentary study, where the patient is followed up over a period of six months, in order to know her evolution by the treatment administered. The results show an improvement of the patient after the second type of treatment she received, which was based on the topical application of antibiotics; active ingredients such as: salicylic acid, azelaic, mandelic, kojic and tranexamic; as well as resorcin and vitamins C and E. It is concluded that not all patients respond favorably to the first treatment they receive, even when it is suggested by specialist dermatologists; and that acne by mask can be treated perfectly from cosmiatric cabin depending on its severity, intensity, history, and skin type.