Naturopathic Technologist Clinical Mention and Patient Care, Graduate in Traditional Health Culture, Specialist in Neural Therapy, Experience in Alternative, Natural and Homeopathic Medicine Experience in Electromagnetic Therapy, Neural Therapy and Rehabilitation
Knee tendinitis is a pathology caused by overexertion in the patellar tendon, which manifests itself with pain in the anterior region of the knee, accompanied by weakness and difficulty in movement. This article is a study of the treatment for knee tendonitis using a new technique based on acupressure, which has been called "Tejack". The study describes tendon lesions and their classification a little, and then focuses specifically on knee tendonitis, exposing its etiology and treatment. He then presents a study of patients to whom the Tejack technique was applied as an alternative treatment of traditional medicine for tendinitis. From the methodological point of view, the research is observational analytical; a bibliographic review of materials available in scientific journals and books was carried out, which address tendinitis as a pathology and traditional medicine as an alternative treatment method. Then, we worked with patients who attended the outpatient area of Traumatology of the Luís Vernaza Hospital, in Guayaquil-Ecuador, for a year, with age range between 40 and 70 years; diagnosed with Knee Tendinitis. The results show that the efficacy of the Tejack treatment is present without distinction of age, sex, severity of the pathology and weight of the patient. It is concluded that Tejack is an effective technique, with proven results in a very short time, with a minimum investment of money, and, in addition, it is harmless, low risk and favorable for the psychological and social life of the patient due to its aesthetic effects. The fact that some patients did not show improvement is due to the fact that they did not collaborate with the therapist's recommendations regarding rest, exercise and food, but mainly because they abandoned treatment early.
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