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Casos Clínicos

Vol. 3 No. 6 (2022): Enero-Marzo 2022

Use of Botulinum Toxin in Gingival Smile: Description of Clinical Case

May 28, 2022


Recently, botulinum toxin has been considered in the aesthetic medicine literature as an important alternative treatment for gum overexposure, technically known as gingival smile. This case report article aims to analyze the use of botulinum toxin in patients who have this type of smile, where their gum is overexposed to the outside. This is a descriptive study, observational, that explains a case of gummy smile and hypermobility of the muscles lifting of the upper lip, a female patient of 25 years of age, who was treated with botulinum toxin BTX-A. The results show that the first step for a correct diagnosis is the correct classification of the gum level, taking into account variables such as sex, age, and periodontal health; and that the application of the corresponding amount of botulinum toxin to the levator muscle of the upper lip bilaterally significantly reduces gingival exposure, favorable results that can be observed even from the first evaluation of the patient. It is concluded that treatment with BTX-A allows to reduce the force of contraction of the upper lip, almost immediately decreasing the exposure of the gingival area when smiling.


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