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  • Guayaquil, Ecuador

Casos Clínicos

Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): April-June 2021

Treatment with botulinum toxin in anatomical asymmetry by facial paralysis: About a clinical case

September 9, 2021


In recent decades it has been a common practice to restore harmony and facial symmetry; for which techniques and treatments adapted to the needs of each patient are combined. The present clinical case analyzes the neuromodulatory treatment of botulinum toxin in a patient with anatomical asymmetry due to facial paralysis. This is a 76-year-old female patient, diagnosed with arterial hypertension under medical treatment, and with a history of cerebrovascular disease for 20 years ago, causing facial asymmetry. The objective of the treatment is the correction of this asymmetry in the face of the patient, using botulinum toxin in a single session. The results show a notable improvement in asymmetry, so it is widely recommended the use of botulinum toxin systemically for the aesthetic solution of facial asymmetry caused by cerebrovascular events.


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