Surgeon. Magister in Aesthetic Medicine and Orofacial Harmonization. Researcher attached to the International Academy of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Medicine - CAMEDIC
International Academy of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Medicine CAMEDIC
Surgeon. Magister in Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine. Specialist Anesthesiologist. Researcher attached to the International Academy of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Medicine - CAMEDIC
The paroscopic cholecystectomy has been the greatest advance of abdominal surgery of the last century, especially when it comes to diagnoses of biliary pathologies. It is quite likely that the gallbladder causes problems to the body if something obstructs the flow of bile through its ducts, and that either open or minimally invasive surgery is required. This review article analyzes the aesthetic benefits of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in biliary pathologies. He talks about the new protocol that can be applied to biliary problems, following the appearance of new techniques of laparoscopic surgery. A description of laparoscopic cholecystectomy as a minimally invasive technique is presented, emphasizing its importance, advantages for the patient and aesthetic benefits. This is a documentary descriptive review work, based on a variety of theoretical postulates on the subject of biliary diseases and laparoscopic cholecystectomy; using scientific articles and books, as well as atlases of biliary diseases, medical dictionaries, and medical encyclopedias, which contain information and images of the procedure practiced with laparoscopic surgery. The analysis shows that patients with biliary symptoms require surgical intervention and that this can be of two types: conventional open or laparoscopic. It is concluded that the situation of biliary surgery has changed enormously since the appearance of laparoscopic techniques, which have not only contributed to the patient suffering less in terms of presence and intensity of pain, but also perceive the aesthetic benefits that this type of surgery reports.
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