Acne, as one of the most common skin diseases, has been studied by several specialists for different decades, in order to find the most appropriate treatment to combat it. However, the etiology or pathogenesis of acne has made it possible to find out that there is no single treatment. This article aims to analyze the different types of treatments used to treat acne, according to its etiology and diagnosis. The study focuses on treatments of different kinds, such as: hormonal, topical, phototherapeutic and systemic. From the methodological perspective, it is a descriptive documentary study, with Bibliographic Review, specifically, of books and scientific articles, which reflect the different treatments for acne that have resulted in each particular patient. The results show that there is a wide spectrum of techniques used to treat acne, from classic compounds, to very complex formulas for topical application, including hormonal and systemic procedures with the use of drugs; as well as, the combination of modern methods and therapies. It is concluded that, today there is a compendium of multiple therapeutic possibilities to treat acne, which have not remained in simple topical protocols, systemic therapies, or hormonal treatments, but go beyond. Finally, to achieve the right treatment, specific aspects and situations must be observed in each patient such as the clinical type of acne, its intensity and severity, the skin phototype, and its degree of collaboration.
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